How do we integrate cybersecurity best practices? Here are some processes and tips for Ruby on Rails developers.
Cybersecurity Best Practices for Ruby on Rails Developers
5 Oct 2022
5 Oct 2022
7 Sep 2022
17 Aug 2022
19 Apr 2016
27 Feb 2014
Planet Argon hired two Epicodus graduates as junior Ruby on Rails developers: Abby Smalls and Ana Tighe. I took some time to sit down with them and see how things are going so far. It was great talking to them about their experiences starting as junior developers here. We touched on some interesting points, including company culture, favorite apps, music, and some insights for people interested in development.
28 Jan 2014
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Congrats to Linda on raising over $200k for this.
14 Nov 2013
Really enjoyed this post by Lyza Gardner about knowing when to admit that you don’t know about a specific technology…yet.
14 May 2013
In part, it’s not your fault. If you grew up and went to school in the United States, you were educated in a system that has eight times as many high-school football teams as high schools that teach advanced placement computer-science classes. Things are hardly better in the universities. According to one recent report, in the next decade American colleges will mint 40,000 graduates with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, though the U.S. economy is slated to create 120,000 computing jobs that require such degrees. You don’t have to be a math major to do the math: That’s three times as many jobs as we have people qualified to fill them.
Admittedly, I don't know who has a college degree in computer science on our team. I don't.
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