If you want to prioritize your organization's contributions to the open source software community, here are some ways to help get your dev team on board.
20 Feb 2023
10 Nov 2022
7 Sep 2022
17 Aug 2022
6 Mar 2018
20 Jul 2017
26 May 2016
Digital project managers (DPMs) know all the infinite details of their projects from the smallest feature updates to massive project builds or overhauls. When it comes to the development languages though, sometimes DPMs are a little in the dark, and that's ok! But if your project is built or being built using Ruby on Rails, there are some things you should know about why some developers go all googly-eyed over it. And why you, as the DPM, should too.
6 Apr 2015
A few of us spent Saturday helping Friends of Trees plant trees in NE Portland.
4 Nov 2013
We wanted to congratulate Ada Developers Academy up in Seattle, WA who successfully raised $46k for their project, which aims to teach more women how to program with Ruby on Rails. We look forward to hearing how the program goes with their students!
Make it Happen!
9 Jul 2013
Earlier today, our good friends from Portland Homeless Family Solutions stopped by to meet our team.
Have a project that needs help?