Strategy Posts

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17 Sep 2013

Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might be.

Roger von Oech

Quite often, we're approached by clients with a very specific idea in their mind. It's our responsibility to question it, tinker with it, evolve it, dismiss it, embrace it, and show them what we see it as. This process is riddled with ambiguity--until something comes to life that we can see and touch, both parties rely on trust. Trust that has been nourished throughout the course of our relationship. If our client doesn't believe that we'll act in their best interests, we'll never be able to make this journey through ambiguity together.

Article  |  Strategy

The Wonderful World of Adwords

23 Jul 2013

I was lucky enough to be put in charge of our Adwords account earlier this year. I was a newcomer to the world of online advertising, but I was eager to learn more. I didn’t expect to find such a deep, intricate maze of data, clicks, bidding, etc. It was enough to make my head spin. I can see how there can be jobs where your only task is to manage Adwords campaigns. This is some complicated shit. Let’s take a look at what goes into an Adwords campaign.

Google Adwords

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Article  |  Strategy

How to Chart Page Load Time and Bounce with Google Analytics and Spreadsheets

7 Feb 2013

We recently spoke with one of our clients about improving their site performance; specifically, we chatted about the relationship between page load time and user satisfaction. I found a number of articles relating page load speed to bounce rate, but there’s no study as convincing as an analysis of a client’s own statistics. With the help of Annie, our very own analytics expert, I was able to fumble my way through the creation of a helpful chart plotting load time versus exit and bounce rates using Google Analytics and Google Spreadsheets.

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