Time tracking is essential to our business. Here's how we use Harvest to track time accurately for our clients and team.
The Tools that Make our Web Agency Tick: Harvest
11 Aug 2017
11 Aug 2017
20 Feb 2017
6 Oct 2016
Who you work with and talk to definitely matters because it will determine how successfully you will be able to communicate about project matters. It will determine how well you trust your agency with your idea, and in turn, how well they feel their expertise is appreciated and understood in the room. Any communication style can work successfully. We talk about which works best for us.
31 Aug 2016
26 May 2016
Digital project managers (DPMs) know all the infinite details of their projects from the smallest feature updates to massive project builds or overhauls. When it comes to the development languages though, sometimes DPMs are a little in the dark, and that's ok! But if your project is built or being built using Ruby on Rails, there are some things you should know about why some developers go all googly-eyed over it. And why you, as the DPM, should too.
20 May 2016
5 May 2016
6 May 2015
Like all software companies, estimates are a challenging aspect of the business for us at Planet Argon. Why are they so troublesome? What can be done about it? The Clever PM has an interesting and informative article about this topic.
19 Aug 2014
The Retrospective Trifecta
4 Apr 2014
Our friend, Megan, over at Cloud Four opens up on what being agile means to their process.
Have a project that needs help?