Let's discuss a few ways that we've used Computed properties in Ember.js.
24 Mar 2016
13 Aug 2015
Yehuda Katz has announced the new major release of Ember.JS. Unlike typical major releases, they are using this major release as an opportunity to remove features (see Release Notes) that have been deprecated as of Ember 1.13. We appreciate the Ember team's mindful philosophy toward releases (and providing long-term support in a sensible manner). It definitely helps teams like us out.
27 Feb 2014
Planet Argon hired two Epicodus graduates as junior Ruby on Rails developers: Abby Smalls and Ana Tighe. I took some time to sit down with them and see how things are going so far. It was great talking to them about their experiences starting as junior developers here. We touched on some interesting points, including company culture, favorite apps, music, and some insights for people interested in development.
28 Jan 2014
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Congrats to Linda on raising over $200k for this.
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