
Article  |  Strategy

User Research Is Unnecessary and Other Such Myths

13 Jul 2015

The better we understand users, the better products and services we can create. User research is a critical, yet often overlooked step in the development process. Read on for a look at a few commonly held misconceptions about user research and learn why it's more more accessible for your project than you may think.

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Article  |  Development

Haml - A Change of Heart

7 May 2015

It was a couple of years ago when I was introduced to Haml. I believe my first time working with it was on an inherited project. The markup was very unfamiliar and a bit of a pain. Why would anyone want to abstract out HTML when you could just write it normally? It initially seemed like a needless, intermediary step.

I did recognize some of it's benefits. For example, it is nice to not have to worry about closing tags and the amount of typing it could save was pretty obvious. However, the indentation and other quirks seemed like a little too much to put up with.

So I went about my day, turning my nose up at the mention of Haml. Too cool for school, right?

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