Development Posts

Article  |  Development

Continuous Deployment in Rails

2 Jun 2016

Continuous Deployment in Rails

As developers, we seek tools which make our daily life easier. Over the years, our tools have improved to make one of the often complicated process of deploying our code up to various instances. Making this process as automated as possible will not only increase productivity but also prevent potentially application-breaking issues from ever getting to your remote instances.

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Article  |  Development

Still Not Tracking Exceptions in Rails

1 Jun 2016

Still Not Tracking Exceptions in Rails

A declining but still significant percentage of respondents to Planet Argon's Rails survey (down to 16% this year, from a high of 31% in 2009) don’t use any exception notification at all on their projects. Why turn a deaf ear to an important part of your application’s health?

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Article  |  Development

AngularJS vs Ember.js -- Comparing Apples to Oranges

27 Apr 2016

AngularJS vs Ember.js -- Comparing Apples to Oranges

We are awash in a sea of options for front-end Javascript frameworks. We all want the right tool for the right job, but separating useful information from noise can be tough & choosing the "correct" technology can be a daunting task. In an attempt to not add more fuel to the fire in the everlasting Ember vs. Angular debate, here is a list of some (relatively) unbiased comparisons between two of the most popular JS frameworks that we feel accurately summarize the pros & cons that come along with the tools being used to build modern web applications today.

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Article  |  Development

Code Watch: Flexbox

8 Apr 2016

Code Watch: Flexbox

Flexbox is the answer to so many frontend developers nightly prayers. It helps with column-based layouts and has a few more tricks up its sleeve. You won't believe the part about content-ordering!

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