
How to skew your A/B test

5 Feb 2010


Show them where to look

1 Feb 2010

In advertising we will look at what the person we see in an ad is looking at. If they are looking out at us we will simply look back at them and not really anywhere else.

James Breeze from You look where they look

One wonders how well this works on the web when selling products and/or services. <img src="" alt="Carlos" /> What did Carlos make you look at? <img src="" alt="Carlos"/>


Twitter usability

31 Jan 2010

This is a long post ~2k words and is intended for anyone who is involved with designing webapps and or is interested about how badly they are designed for normal people. In this case it’s about Twitter which is unique in that there are some conceptual barriers that people must first grasp before they are able to properly make use of the service.

Duncan Malcolm from Experiment: Twitter Usability

It's easy to take things for granted. As web geeks, we find web applications to be much more intuitive than they really are. Experiments like this are extremely humbling. We can do better as an industry.


Google Voice makes our day brighter

26 Jan 2010

We’ve been using Google Voice for our main phone lines for the past few months with great success. We’re excited about getting to use it on the iPhone (without hacking the firmware).

Photo  |  Studio

New studio

25 Jan 2010

New studio

We’re quickly getting the new studio organized. You’ll have to visit us sometime.

Have a project that needs help?