Ruby on Rails Code Audits: 8 Steps to Review Your App
Reading time: ~ 9 minutes

Do you take your car to the mechanic when it completely falls apart, or do you schedule maintenance ahead of time? Ok, maybe you do a little of both, depending on how badly you need your car. Sometimes it feels like there isn't enough free time or resources to get ahead of issues under the hood. But we all know from experience what happens if we don't make that investment- broken down on the side of the road with a car full of groceries. Might as well get comfortable and enjoy that pint of ice cream before it melts.
Software applications have similar needs- they need to have regular checkups and maintenance to avoid a catastrophe.
A Ruby on Rails code audit may be just the thing you need to mitigate risks and help keep your app working efficiently.
Having been a member of the Ruby on Rails community for over 12 years, we’ve seen a lot of application code bases. Starting in 2007, our team began offering Rails Code Audits to entrepreneurs who wanted to get a third-party assessment of their investment, and now we offer it to any organization who needs to ensure their app's stability.
We have an ever-evolving lengthy list of items to evaluate in every Rails application we audit. At the end of the code audit, our clients receive a document that walks them through our findings with a list of recommended next steps according to the latest best practices.
In this article, we're going to share eight of those items (and the rationale behind them) that we check on when we begin auditing a code base.
If you're a Project Manager or Engineering Manager, be sure to share this with your dev team to help them discover what updates should be made. (We're always here to help too!)
You can also check out this video, which includes the steps listed in this article.
1. Is there a .ruby-version file?
If you’re using a tool like rbenv or rvm, .ruby-version
is a really helpful way of allowing a team of developers to ensure they’re all working off the same version of Ruby. Occasionally, we’ll come across an application that doesn’t specify the version of Ruby within the application’s code base, and we have to either a) ask the developers to let us know and/or b) see what version is being run in the production environment.
This information can (and should) also exist in the Gemfile
, which we’ll touch on further in a moment.
If the file doesn’t exist, then it’s possible that you’re not using rbenv or rvm, which you may want to consider. (We prefer rbenv.)
2. How does the Gemfile look?
How many of you remember managing Rubygem versions prior to Bundler? UFTA. I bet it’s been more than five years since we performed a code audit on a Ruby on Rails application that didn’t include a Gemfile
. Glad those days are far behind us.
Having said that, here are a few things that we’d recommend for keeping your Gemfile
nicely organized and documented for your peers.
Is the version of Ruby documented at the top?
While we recommend having this in your .ruby-version
, we also encourage you to specify this in your Gemfile
, too.
Is Ruby on Rails locked to a specific version?
Unless you’re working on a brand new application, your Gemfile
should have a locked version of rails specified. The last thing you want to do is accidentally upgrade your Ruby on Rails application during a deployment without having tested it first.
Have you specified versions across all of your gems?
Recently, we inherited a Ruby on Rails application that hadn’t been worked on in nearly six months. It also has poor automated test coverage and the Gemfile
didn’t specific versions on most of the required gems. On one of our first changes, I made a small copy change to part of the application, which looked a-okay on development. When I deployed to staging, we quickly noticed that an unrelated--yet primary--feature of their application that dealt with file uploads was not working. It wasn’t caught by the limited test coverage.
It took several hours to track down how it might have broken, given that no significant changes had been made in nearly half a year.
What we found was that when the deployment took place, a number of Rubygems had automatically been upgraded. So, we had to compare what Rubygems were installed on our production and staging servers to determine the version differences. We went through each of them, one by one, to specify the known working versions on production in our Gemfile
. Through this, we determined that one gem (s3_direct_upload
) was the culprit, as they had changed some configuration syntax at some point.
This is just one example of how this type of version change can bite your future self (and/or another team) in the ass one day.
As a general rule, we try to lock our Rubygems to micro-releases with the following syntax. For example: gem "zencoder", "~> 2.5"
Our development team agreed that we’d like to manually change major versions and allow Bundler to handle micro version updates automatically.
Are your gems organized in groups?
There isn’t anything wrong with having all your gems installed in every environment. However, there are likely some gems that are only going to 1) take up more disk space and 2) slow your deployments down if you install them in staging and/or production environments. For example, you don’t likely need to install rpsec-rails
, cucumber
, timecop
, database-cleaner
, or capybara-webkit
on your production servers.
Learn more about Gemfile
What are all these gems used for?
As you scan your gem dependencies, do you remember what they’re all used for? Do any of them seem unfamiliar?
For example, looking at a client’s Gemfile
, I find myself asking, “What the hell is the launchy gem? What is the wicked gem used for?” There's no documentation here that indicates what they are being used for. My solution is to have to google them and/or search through the codebase to try and ascertain it.
As a best practice, our team has agreed that if you find yourself having to look up what an uncommon gem provides the application, to add a short note to the Gemfile
for future reference. Be kind to your future self and/or peers.
Last but not least, is Rubygems installing over SSL?
Ensure that your Gemfile
source ''
vs http://
3. What warnings does bundler-audit raise?
I recommend installing bundler-audit, which is a Ruby gem that will quickly list out which gem versions specified in your Gemfile.lock have known security vulnerabilities patched. It will also provide you with a suggested version to upgrade to.
Running bundler-audit
will give you feedback like this:
$ bundle-audit {code} bundle-audit Name: actionpack Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2015-7576 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/ANv0HDHEC3k Title: Timing attack vulnerability in basic authentication in Action Controller. Solution: upgrade to ~> 5.0.0.beta1.1, ~>, ~>, ~> Name: actionpack Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2015-7581 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/dthJ5wL69JE Title: Object leak vulnerability for wildcard controller routes in Action Pack Solution: upgrade to ~>, ~> Name: actionpack Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2016-0751 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/9oLY_FCzvoc Title: Possible Object Leak and Denial of Service attack in Action Pack Solution: upgrade to ~> 5.0.0.beta1.1, ~>, ~>, ~> Name: actionview Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2016-0752 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/335P1DcLG00 Title: Possible Information Leak Vulnerability in Action View Solution: upgrade to ~> 5.0.0.beta1.1, ~>, ~>, ~> Name: activemodel Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2016-0753 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/6jQVC1geukQ Title: Possible Input Validation Circumvention in Active Model Solution: upgrade to ~> 5.0.0.beta1.1, ~>, ~> Name: activerecord Version: 4.2.6 Advisory: CVE-2015-7577 Criticality: Unknown URL:!topic/rubyonrails-security/cawsWcQ6c8g Title: Nested attributes rejection proc bypass in Active Record Solution: upgrade to ~> 5.0.0.beta1.1, ~>, ~>, ~> Name: devise Version: 3.4.1 Advisory: CVE-2015-8314 Criticality: Unknown URL: Title: Devise Gem for Ruby Unauthorized Access Using Remember Me Cookie Solution: upgrade to >= 3.5.4 Name: rack-attack Version: 4.2.0 Advisory: 132234 Criticality: Unknown URL: Title: rack-attack Gem for Ruby missing normalization before request path processing Solution: upgrade to >= 4.3.1 ..etc
4. How long has it been since automated tests have been touched?
Before we attempt to run the tests — we want to know how long it has been since a developer has made a change in the test and/or spec directories. Let’s look at the last commit via git.
$ git log --pretty -1 spec/` # and/or `test/`, too
Is that date quite a while ago (compared to work done in app/
It’s an indicator that automated testing has not been prioritized. Anecdotally speaking, when we see that tests have been ignored for a long period of time, the developers seem to fall into one or more of the falling categories.
- The original developer(s) didn’t have many tests; they didn’t get around to adding more of them.
- They upgraded Ruby and/or Rails, and the test suite started failing; they didn’t get around to fixing them.
- Solo developer on a project who doesn’t have any peers to work with and feels confident enough that their code “works” as they tested it themselves in a browser.
- The stakeholders haven’t had much budget, so the developer has been trying to keep updates quick and dirty--and sees writing tests as “extra” costs (we would argue that they’re still having to manually test, regardless).
I’ve been guilty of skipping the step of writing automated tests from time to time. I get it. However, we can’t make this into a long-term bad habit. When you work on projects by yourself, it’s far easier to skip these as you’re not accountable to a teammate.
Regardless, save yourself a bunch of manual browser testing and write automated tests, Robby.
5. Are there security keys that shouldn’t be in the repository?
Look in the config/ directory. Do you see any YAML files? Look through them, do you find staging and/or production credentials? (access keys, usernames, passwords, etc.)
For example, config/environments/production.rb
… how many passwords/keys do you see in there?
They shouldn’t be.
These only belong on the server environments and in a password manager vault. We use 1Password for Teams at Planet Argon so that we can control who has access to those.
How do you resolve this?
- Add these files directly to your servers. For example, you might upload those YAML files to your application’s shared/ directory. If it’s a staging environment, don’t have the production environment’s details in there. (and vice versa)
- Note: if you’re using an environment like Heroku, you can move these to config environment variables.
Remove them from your git repository and history. Here's how.
For good measure, you should now go update all of those credentials. We recommend updating your keys and passwords on a quarterly basis.
6. Can we seed a local database?
Before you run the application locally, you might need to load some seed/test data into your local database. Ruby on Rails provides you with some conventions on how to load that up via a db/seeds.rb
file that you can run a rake task to load. Learn more about seed data in Rails.
Does anything exist in db/seeds.rb
? If not, what data are you relying on? Do you have to manually load data, or are you leaning on a production database backup?
If the former, we’d encourage you to take the time to work on building seed data that can be loaded, deleted, and re-loaded.
If the latter, you’re playing with fire. Do you really need to load up everything to work on the code base? Oftentimes, we see the combination of lack of test coverage and no seed data go together…and the developers have been working off of production in a local environment. We’d advocate that you only do that in rare situations and not allow it to become the norm.
7. Are there database indexes?
When we look at an existing database structure, we want to see if attention has been paid to indexes. For example, we can compare the number of foreign keys to the number of indexes with the following.
Approximately how many foreign keys are there?
$ grep -v 'add_index' db/schema.rb | grep '_id' | wc -l 99
How many indexes are there?
$ grep 'add_index' db/schema.rb | wc -l 95
Of course, foreign keys are not the only thing that you should have an index on…but if these two numbers are drastically different, it’s a hint that they’ve been overlooked in the past.
Quite often, we see a decent performance boost once we mitigate this scenario. Feel free to continue not using indexes because it makes us look good when we show a new client how much quicker we got their application to run. ;-)
8. To-dos: What remains to be done?
I want to leave you with one more quick way to get a sense of what technical debt may exist in the application. Run the following command and see if anything amusing returns:
$ grep -ir 'todo' app/*
These comments are often meant to be temporary reminders to tidy some code up at a later point in time and/or do some further research to figure out what something is.
Quite often, they get forgotten about.
Are these things that should be worked on? Removed? These are good questions to ask.
Closing Thoughts
Regardless of whether your code base is only 2k LOC or 100k LOC, these are a few things that you should consider keeping an eye on within your Ruby on Rails application. They aren’t things that will make or break your application immediately but are some best practices that our team has found long-term value in following.
We also share the value of a Ruby on Rails code audit more in-depth in another post.
This article was updated in November 2023.