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Finding Strength and Purpose in Collaboration: GitHub Interview

15 Oct 2020

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Have You Filled a Developer Bucket Today?

10 Aug 2018

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Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots Podcast Interview

25 Jun 2018

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How In Demand are Ruby on Rails Developers in 2018?

21 Jun 2018

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The freeCodeCamp Podcast: Robby Talks Oh My Zsh

13 Jun 2018

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Ruby on Rails Podcast: Rails Survey Results

1 Jun 2018

Link  |  Development

Free eBook: GDPR + Ruby on Rails: What You Need to Know

30 Mar 2018

Link  |  Leadership

Robby Was Interviewed On a Podcast: Indiedotes

8 Mar 2018

Link  |  UX

12 Principles for UX and Motion

18 Apr 2017

Link  |  UX

What Might We Expect in 2017

4 Jan 2017

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