Entries tagged: ruby on rails

Article  |  Development

Continuous Deployment in Rails

2 Jun 2016

Continuous Deployment in Rails

As developers, we seek tools which make our daily life easier. Over the years, our tools have improved to make one of the often complicated process of deploying our code up to various instances. Making this process as automated as possible will not only increase productivity but also prevent potentially application-breaking issues from ever getting to your remote instances.

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Article  |  Development

Puma is the Preferred Web Server for Rails Developers

2 Jun 2016

Puma is the Preferred Web Server for Rails Developers

Puma’s popularity as both a web and Rails server has shown steady growth toward the position of preferred tool for both roles. Growing out of the once-mighty Mongrel, Puma hails itself as "A Modern, Concurrent Web Server for Ruby". Showing significantly lower memory usage and response times than Unicorn and Passenger the communities support appears to be continuing to shift in its direction.

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Article  |  Project Management

What the BLEEP is Ruby on Rails? A Project Manager's Perspective

26 May 2016

What the BLEEP is Ruby on Rails? A Project Manager's Perspective

Digital project managers (DPMs) know all the infinite details of their projects from the smallest feature updates to massive project builds or overhauls. When it comes to the development languages though, sometimes DPMs are a little in the dark, and that's ok! But if your project is built or being built using Ruby on Rails, there are some things you should know about why some developers go all googly-eyed over it. And why you, as the DPM, should too.

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