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Article  |  Internship

Exploring Tools of the Front-End Developer

5 Aug 2013

In the past month and a half of interning here I’ve made the role switch from Designer to Front End Developer. It’s been a really fun and rewarding process. I wanted to go over some of the new tools I’ve been learning about that have really changed my life for the better.

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Article  |  UX

McMenamins Homepage Redesign

1 Aug 2013

McMenamins is a regional establishment that runs several restaurants, bars, music venues, theaters and more that are all steeped in history. The McMenamins homepage on their website was on it way to becoming a relic of a by-gone era. That is when we stepped in to pull this popular page out of the history books and into the present.

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Article  |  Strategy

The Wonderful World of Adwords

23 Jul 2013

I was lucky enough to be put in charge of our Adwords account earlier this year. I was a newcomer to the world of online advertising, but I was eager to learn more. I didn’t expect to find such a deep, intricate maze of data, clicks, bidding, etc. It was enough to make my head spin. I can see how there can be jobs where your only task is to manage Adwords campaigns. This is some complicated shit. Let’s take a look at what goes into an Adwords campaign.

Google Adwords

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Article  |  Work

Evolution of the McMenamins Homepage

19 Jul 2013

For the past 30 years, McMenamins have established themselves as a strong regional influence with their signature food and drinks, music and events, culture, and historical locations. They are a household name, known for their brand’s unique character that brings good food, fun and entertainment for anyone who visits their locations across the Pacific Northwest. While McMenamins is constantly opening new establishments and expanding their influence in their community, Planet Argon saw that the McMenamins homepage needed an update to reflect that growth and the evolution of their brand. So, the PA team proposed a solution for the redesign of the homepage.

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