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Entries tagged: mobile

Article  |  Work

Creating Contiki's Mobile Site, Part 3: Visual Design

24 May 2012

At this point, we’ve gone through the early stages of our design strategy by researching, sketching ideas, and making a paper prototype. We then extended that strategy phase into a development of a mobile prototype to help explain how each page would function on the site. It was now time to complete the user’s experience by adding visuals to complement that functionality. Thanks to the extra work we did in the beginning, we knew what we wanted to see, so the transition from our quick and dirty prototype to a finished user experience adding visual design elements was practically seamless.

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Article  |  UX

The Mobile Viewport, Short and Sweet

17 Apr 2012

Peter-Paul Koch, of quirksmode fame, recently gave an enlightening presentation about the mobile viewport which, quite fortunately for all of us, is available in video and slide form. “A pixel is not a pixel”, clocking in at just over an hour, is quite thorough and enjoyably dense, so watch it. But, if you don’t have an hour to spare, this is the gist of it:

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Article  |  Strategy

Transition to Mobile

12 Apr 2012

With all of the talk about mobile best practices, some are neglecting to factor in the reality of existing sites and existing budgets. Just because you don’t have the time or money to completely revamp your site for a mobile audience doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider a mobile strategy. A separate mobile-version of your website might be the perfect first step.

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Article  |  Strategy

Mobile Web Statistics - Short and Sweet

11 Apr 2012

In preparation for the launch of Planet Argon’s Mobile Web Development Services page, I set out to find some current mobile phone and mobile web statistics. One blog led to another, which led to a few different articles, which eventually led to comScore’s 2012 Mobile Future in Focus report. comScore, a self-described “global leader in measuring the digital world,” released the report in order to examine “insights into the mobile and connected device landscape in 2011 and what they mean for 2012.” Here are a few such insights:

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Article  |  Development

Observations of an Android to iPhone convert

23 Jan 2012

I bought a Motorola Droid in the summer of 2010. I wanted a smartphone so I could check my email on the go, replace my aging GPS, and browse the internet occasionally. I bought a Droid because Amazon had a great deal (it was basically free), and I wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted with it. I rooted it within a week of getting it since that was the easiest way to get the updated version of the Android OS at the time.

I was really happy with the extremely easy and tight integration with all of the Google services I used (email and calendar mostly). But my wife really wanted a smartphone as well, specifically an iPhone. I was against the idea because I knew she’d have questions about how to use it, and without one of my own I’d be in the position of supporting two kinds of devices. When I started working for Planet Argon where everyone has an iPhone, I encountered my first small disadvantage…

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